Thursday, May 6, 2010

Best Way To Select Your Groomsmen Gifts

By Keith Banks

Groomsmen are those who will help the groom before and in the wedding. Groomsmen are thanked by the groom with these gifts as token of appreciation, for the help they have offered. If you select the right gift for them, they will remember your wedding for long. Selecting best gifts for them will make them very happy and feel good for the help they have offered you. Giving a gift not only shows your gratitude to them but also make them feel they are your friends.

It is traditionally practiced to give groomsmen gifts in the wedding. Groomsmen gifts are given to the people who helped him to look best in his wedding. These gifts have to be special as wedding is your special day and groomsmen make you look special on your wedding day. It is important for the groom to select best groomsmen gifts in order to express the value of his friendship.

Usually while selecting groomsmen gifts, the groom will not think too much about the budget. However, for any wedding it is suggested that you plan a budget and then start shopping, so that you will not exceed you budget and get into trouble.

You can choose things like cufflinks, travel bags, shaving kits, perfumes, deo-sprays, cigar cases, flasks, sports bags, etc. Today many people choose to give personalized gifts to their buddies. Shopping for gifts exclusively according to tastes and interests of the groomsmen can be highly time consuming as you need to visit multiple shops to purchase them and the same may eat away good amount of your time.

If you really want to save time and also considerable amount of money to purchase quality groomsmen gifts then internet is the best place for you. Finding gifts you are looking for is quick and easy with the help of search engines like Google and yahoo. You also get to browse various categories of groomsmen gifts for reasonably low prices without compromising on the quality.

Online shopping for groomsmen gifts is best idea as you can do so from the comfort of your home in your leisure. If you are still confused in deciding on the best then many online stores that guide you to best gifts depending on your requirement and budget. Many online stores which offer good collection of gifts to suit your requirements. You can even compare quality and price of various gifts easily; and then decide on the best.

Online stores offer great discounts on products all round the year helping you to purchase quality groomsmen gifts at best low prices which means great value for your money. Internet is really best market place for those who are looking for budget friendly but not cheap gifts for their groomsmen. However, make sure to shop them at reputed online stores that offer reliable quality of goods at affordable prices.

About the Author:

Wedding Planning At Its Best

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wedding Gift Bag Ideas For Your Guests

By Adriana Noton

It's traditional for the bride and groom to get presents on their wedding day, and it is expected that they give a little something back. Just like a kid's birthday party where party favors are given out to everyone who attends, weddings guests should get a little favor bag to help remember your special day too.

Sometimes it can be hard to decide what your gift bag should be, usually because there are so many different types of people from all aspects of your life coming. You'll have your family, your many groups of friends, possibly some coworkers, and of course your other half's invitees. How do you find something that would appeal to everyone?

Before you get into the favors, start with the design of the bag. If you have a theme, the bag should match the theme. Otherwise a pretty white bag usually works out well. Any bag you have should have some way of tying it such as string or ribbon. Also try to find a type of bag that is durable so the favors don't fall out. Cloth bags or totes are amazing gift bags because your guests can reuse them rather than throw them out. If you want to have separate favors for the men and women attending, have the bags be different colors such as the traditional pastel blue and pink.

Having different favors for men and women can be a good way to go if you can't decide on something that is universal for both sexes. For women, you can use things such as special beauty product samples, small bottles of nail polish, or even nice lotion. Men would probably prefer to have something that has the name of the bride and groom on it, so custom made favors would be ideal. Of course there are many unisex favors you can have, such as candles, candies, and bubbles for blowing during the special occasion.

If you are going with a themed wedding, than that should be a strong factor in deciding what you will give your guests as favors. Silly gifts are perfectly acceptable as long as they match theme. As an example, if you are having a tropical themed wedding and reception, leis make great gifts. You could also include dancing hula girls, coconut lotion, and tropical flowers for your guests to take home.

Alternatively, if there isn't a theme and you are still having trouble deciding, you can take the season that your wedding is occurring into account. If you are having a summer wedding, gifts such as sunglasses and sunscreen can be fun and useful presents, especially if any part of the occasion takes place outdoors. For a winter wedding, scarf and glove sets make excellent gifts that will get a lot of use.

The most important thing about your wedding gift bags is that you are happy with them. While you want to please your guests, they all know that it is your special day and will be thankful that you thought of them, so choose whatever favors work for you.

About the Author:

Wedding Planning At Its Best

Friday, April 2, 2010

Helpful Hints For Wedding Invitations That Stand Out

By Kim Allarie

A one of a kind wedding invitation will make your big event memorable for everyone. You will discover many terrific ideas that will satisfy your desire to have distinctive wedding invitations, and they don't need to be expensive either. Instead, trust your creativity to make them look inspired.

These days, many couples opt to have a motif for their wedding, and this makes it much easier to come up with unique ideas for your invitations. Themed weddings have been common for quite a long period of time, however, less formal themes like hobbies and sports are a more recent trend. If you and your partner both participate in a certain interest, you can use it as a motif for your invitations. You're almost certain to have unique invitations if you do so.

You might want to incorporate certain creative elements that echo the ambience of the special occasion. A fall theme, for example, calls to mind multihued leaves floating to the ground. So you can include an image of a fall leaf in your design. If the event is taking place at the beach, you can use sea shells as embellishment on the invitations.

On the other hand, not all soon to be wed couples choose to have a theme for their ceremony. Some couples are more comfortable having a formal ceremony and ambiance. In this case, you'll have to try harder to generate distinctive ideas for your invitations.

With a traditional, formal wedding, be somewhat careful when it relates to creativity in your invitations. For these kinds of events, proper protocol needs to be followed. Something too imaginative will lessen the formality of the wedding ceremony.

But you can still make your invitations more personal in a tasteful manner. Include a dash of color that hints at the celebration itself. Or incorporate a photo of the bride and groom. Keep it small and discreet, with a soft finish.

You can get more ideas for a one of a kind wedding invitation from specialized printers of wedding invitations. They often have someone working there with a lot of knowledge in these kinds of matters. You're a lot more likely to find the ideal one of a kind wedding invitation when you consult with someone who has this kind of knowledge.

About the Author:

Wedding Planning At Its Best

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Top Five Wedding Gifts

According to, the following list details the 5 most given and accepted wedding gifts.

Money – Yes it's true. Although perceived by some to be impersonal or uncreative, money is the number one recommended wedding gift. Most young couples need startup money for big items, not small items. By giving money, your gift can get pooled with others to make a big gift, and make that special purchase happen. Money can also help them have an extra-special honeymoon or document their wedding on a grander scale. While it's rude for anyone to ask for money, it is never rude to give cash. If you can’t get by this concept in total, give a small, well thought out gift and cash. Combine the two by attaching your check to a beautiful picture frame, a kitchen gadget, or a couple crystal glasses that commemorate their special day.

An expensive item off of their registry – Often the more expensive items on a couple's registry are “stretch” gifts that only a few can afford. But you can combine with others and purchase something extremely nice. They will be extremely surprised and have a treasured keepsake for years.

A luxurious hotel room for their first night as a married couple – Start their marriage off right by giving them a night to remember before they leave for their honeymoon. Coordinate with the bride's mother or the maid-of-honor to make this happen and give the gift early so they can plan accordingly.

A wedding gift for the test of time – A bottle of fine Scotch or fine wine, with a special note to open in 5 years and spend time reflecting with each other. What a great gift to have this couple stop and smell the roses (corny), how I wish I might have done that more often. This couple will be able to reflect fondly and say "Our friends Howard and Lisa gave us this for our wedding." Other ideas on the more sentimental side include the couple's wedding invitation in a beautiful frame, a handmade quilt or tablecloth, or an antique piece of furniture. So sayeth

Make their honeymoon extra sweet – Do some due diligence to learn more about their honeymoon destination and give a gift they can use at that location. Use this knowledge to get them a gift certificate to the most reknown restaurant or resort activity. You might also upgrade their airplane tickets to first class, give them a camera to document this great honeymoon, or give them some spending money (here we go again with the money thing) tucked inside guide of the area.

Hopefully, this gives you some ideas on what you can do. One last thought from me….the most treasured gifts Lisa and I received were those $100 bills in envelopes. We so needed the money at that time, and I even remember who those people were that gave us those, as opposed to that crystal vase that is tucked away nicely in our keepsake storage.

This blog is created by Howard, check out his site on wedding giftsClick Here