Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Top Five Wedding Gifts

According to About.com, the following list details the 5 most given and accepted wedding gifts.

Money – Yes it's true. Although perceived by some to be impersonal or uncreative, money is the number one recommended wedding gift. Most young couples need startup money for big items, not small items. By giving money, your gift can get pooled with others to make a big gift, and make that special purchase happen. Money can also help them have an extra-special honeymoon or document their wedding on a grander scale. While it's rude for anyone to ask for money, it is never rude to give cash. If you can’t get by this concept in total, give a small, well thought out gift and cash. Combine the two by attaching your check to a beautiful picture frame, a kitchen gadget, or a couple crystal glasses that commemorate their special day.

An expensive item off of their registry – Often the more expensive items on a couple's registry are “stretch” gifts that only a few can afford. But you can combine with others and purchase something extremely nice. They will be extremely surprised and have a treasured keepsake for years.

A luxurious hotel room for their first night as a married couple – Start their marriage off right by giving them a night to remember before they leave for their honeymoon. Coordinate with the bride's mother or the maid-of-honor to make this happen and give the gift early so they can plan accordingly.

A wedding gift for the test of time – A bottle of fine Scotch or fine wine, with a special note to open in 5 years and spend time reflecting with each other. What a great gift to have this couple stop and smell the roses (corny), how I wish I might have done that more often. This couple will be able to reflect fondly and say "Our friends Howard and Lisa gave us this for our wedding." Other ideas on the more sentimental side include the couple's wedding invitation in a beautiful frame, a handmade quilt or tablecloth, or an antique piece of furniture. So sayeth About.com/weddings.

Make their honeymoon extra sweet – Do some due diligence to learn more about their honeymoon destination and give a gift they can use at that location. Use this knowledge to get them a gift certificate to the most reknown restaurant or resort activity. You might also upgrade their airplane tickets to first class, give them a camera to document this great honeymoon, or give them some spending money (here we go again with the money thing) tucked inside guide of the area.

Hopefully, this gives you some ideas on what you can do. One last thought from me….the most treasured gifts Lisa and I received were those $100 bills in envelopes. We so needed the money at that time, and I even remember who those people were that gave us those, as opposed to that crystal vase that is tucked away nicely in our keepsake storage.

This blog is created by Howard, check out his site on wedding giftsClick Here